

Vote For My Powers!!

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ART and CULTURE!! Pretty...low on my priority list...

(This is a picture of me, having accidentally walked onto the photo shoot for the poster for the Modesto Art walk. Don't be fooled by their beautiful bodies, those art mannequins or whatever are super high maintenance.)

LEARN: Modesto and art culture... Huh, that's a bit like trying to combine oil and water. By nature, based on what I've seen of Modesto thus far, it just does not seem like a city very conducive of an "artsy" culture. I mean, honestly, read back through the last, ugh, 8 posts I've done about Modesto. Considering all of the other nagging problems facing the city and its inhabitants, I doubt people who are facing foreclosures and are loosing their health insurance really care anything about art or any other kind of cultural event. And really, can you blame them?

Granted, I'm the child of people so rich they could buy all of "art culture" and use it instead of clay pigeons out on the range, but I can still sympathize. I mean, my host is totally broke. Chronically. I would say terminally, but, yeah, don't wanna be too grim. I might be a huge art fan, I certainly don't put it on par in terms of importance when compared to the basic necessities. I might be a little on the broke side, but I'm totally a heavy reader. And you know what I'm reminded of on the topic of art culture. Can I get a "MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS"? Oh yeah, baby.

For all you lovely folks who weren't blessed with the luxury of not being taught to tests and have no idea who idea who Abraham Maslow might be, I present to you... His wiki page on the subject. I'd normally take the time explaining it to you, I really would, but, eh there's no point. Sometimes I get the feeling few people bother to read this far anyway. I could be rambling on and on about my totally rational and very justified aversion towards all things related to marmosets, and you know what? So few people will know anyway. You know what I do know? Marmosets know military formations and don't like being shot. But whatever. What was I talking about...? Oh yeah, art.

( This is a picture of me at the Modesto Blues Festival. Probably. Like I said, I don't like going to things because they're expensive and not worth my time, but computers can change all that. Happy Memories, brought to you by Photoshop and Google Image Search.)

ACT: Hey, I really like that suggestion! I should go to Modesto! Do things! In Modesto! As in, get out of my car, in Modesto and breath Modesto air and walk amongst the Modesto hooligans! Oh yeah that is SO not gonna happen in this life time, bub. ;3 I don't use emoticons in this blog often, so you know I'm serious.

You know why I'm not going to Modesto unless forced against my WILL? Because I do not like GOING to cultural events. Wanna know why art and culture is so anemic in Modesto? It's cause no good jerks like me are bleeding it dry. 

I am sorry (no I'm not), but I do not handle group like situations well. I think people for the most part smell of cheetos and despair and would rather not be around them. I like being a sexy lone wolf. And I'm not talking Hollywood lone wolf where they make them team up with a dynamically opposite, often times younger and scrappier partner to show the power of partnership, friendship, blah blah. Nope, I'm talking old school Professional lone wolf. Please note, this does not mean I am a hit man or the other kind of "professional" (I'm gonna let your mind do with that what it will. Let it stew around in the membrane a bit. Took me a while to come up with that).

I just personally don't get the point of really caring about cultural events. I can barely pretend to stand most people every day. WHY would I willingly choose to subject myself to more people? I played along with this game when it came to relatively important stuff like health care and housing, but seriously? Art? Culture? Dude, come on. Again, we aren't in kindergarten anymore. We don't HAVE to do things as a "group". With the Internet and stuff, we can afford to be individuals. If people don't want huge festivals and other cultural stuff, eh, then the people of Modesto don't get it.

IMAGINE: Honestly, I don't see a problem. If the majority of people in Modesto don't care about art or culture, I don't care to force them. If the minority wants to experience things, well Modesto is close enough to other things that they can just go visit them. Honestly, art and culture should have been put up with leisure. When the necessities aren't being taken care of, believe me, no one is going to care about art adn culture. It's like covering manure in diamonds and ribbons. You've make it look pretty, but it still going to smell like sh-er, well you get it. Sorry, I just don't get the point of putting my energies in trying to push others to do stuff something I don't care about doing.
I'm mysterious, I'm cool, I'm wickedly amazing, but the one thing I don't do well is deal with people. Modestoians and the people in the world in general can do their little festival or gathering thing if they want, they can make galleries and museums if are so inclined, but if I want to stay at home, do my own thing, leave me alone. Maybe my disinterest in spending time with total strangers is just the new culture. Deal with it.


  1. Ah so cynical......I do agree for the most part though that much of the lack of availability of arts events is due to the fact that many of Modestans just aren't entertained by them or show interest in the arts. Sad but true.Lol nice pic....what is that????? an imposing and scary birdie?? LOL

  2. Interesting bird, and a bit over the top but that's you. LoL

  3. the Modesto hooligans i dont think everyone that goes to these Art festivals are like that but thats you speaking your mind

  4. yeah i think that most people have no clue when it comes to art appreciation, and as you point out, dont like mixing with strangers. we are going to live out our lives in virtuosity im afraid
