

Vote For My Powers!!

In each of my posts, you can vote for which Super Powers you think I used best. If you'd like to learn more, checked out //Building Imagination --The ARG

Teamwork (T) | Creativity (C) | Home Field Advantage (H-F) | Knowledge Sharing (K-S) | Resourcefulness (R) Spark (S) | Environmentalism (E) | Vision (V)

From Point A to Point B, Sucka

(I'm not a huge fan of Modesto, but I wish you were there anyway. You can take that to mean whatever you want, man.)

LEARN: I've only been to Modesto a handful of times, and from what I've seen, I'm thankful for that. The traffic in Modesto is ungodly and no one really seems to remember what they learned in Driver's Education. IT'S CALLED A TURN SIGNAL, YOU MANIAC! But don't worry, not everyone is out to assassinate mother nature a la toxic fumes! Some people are kind enough to use public trans! Unfortunately, the people who use the buses in Modesto must all be sharing the same sinus infection and because those places are disgusting. Just how bad have my few bus riding experiences been in Modesto? You know the saying: freaks come out at night? Well, Modesto must be the City of Perpetual Darkness because I've never managed to catch a bus without at least one or two gross freaks sticking up the communal air. Nope, that's just not for me. -shudder- 

IMAGINE: In a perfect world, technology would have gotten to the point where matter transporters would have become a reality. That means carless transportation wouldn't be just an alternative, it would be the norm! No more gross cars, driving all over the place, farting carbon monoxide and running over little old ladies and young college students with so much to live for. Nope, there'll be no cars at all. What a glorious day. Then again, like everything else, the existence of poor people is really gonna ruin everyone's fun. "Waaaaah, Freckles... what about the fringe members of society who can't afford to use teleporters?! It won't be faaaaaaair." My answer to that is "you're right. That's not fair. It's just as unfair as the current transportation system." Not everyone's got a car and it sucks to be those who don't, but what can you do? Travel is definitely not one of your rights protected by the constitution. Basically, if you can afford a bus ride now, you can afford a matter transporter ride in my awesome future scape, with the added benefit of not having to interact with your disease ridden, mouth breathing fellow passengers! Oh joy.

ACT: Unfortunately, like poor people, reality will continue to be a buzzkill. As matter transporters have yet to be invented, they're obviously out of the running for "possible solutions to Modesto's transportation problem". But you know what is definitely a possibility? Scooters. Like the almighty VESPA! They're very inexpensive, even brand spanking new, and they get like 95 miles to the gallon! They even fit up to two people! Sure, they would replace the SUV for most big families, but it'll cut down on that normal sight in Modesto: a huge god-forsaken SUV with only a tiny person driving it and maybe a base ball cap in the back seat. There are too many huge cars on the road and not enough people. Cut down on the traffic heavily by switching over to a scooter! Heck, for the cost of repairing your car's engine, you can get a whole new scooter! Think about it!

(Vespas are very near and dear to my heart. In fact, here's a picture of me from years ago when I was working as a rather successful vespa scooter model. Yeah... this was around the time I was still working at that cabaret. My scrolls were my signature as a model even back then. Good times.)



  1. OMG i absolutely loooooove vespas. my only fear is that the crazy drivers here in modesto won't be cautious about driving near scooters. crazy drivers and their huge cars! >.< once again, i love your writing style and your images are always so entertaining

  2. Very well done and love the pic!

  3. Scooters are great! i wished i owned one just to get around faster and it more compacts :)

  4. I totally agree people do tend to forget what they learned in drivers ed. Cool pictures and the scooter sounds great.

  5. "You know the saying: freaks come out at night? Well, Modesto must be the City of Perpetual Darkness" that. Did you come up with that? I, too, am upset that matter transport remains the stuff of science fiction. Come on, Scientists!

  6. The vespa image cracks me up. Loving the previews and can't wait to see how it turns out.
