

Vote For My Powers!!

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Home Sweet Home

LEARN: Modesto is in huge trouble! From what I've gathered, a large portion of the city is just in a huge state of disrepair. The will and the desire to fix parts of the city are there, but is the money available? All of the answers seem to indicate a resounding "NO". With so much money needed to run Modesto's size, maybe the city had just gone over its current capacity.

I mean, really, think about it. Modesto s a growing city, but the quality of life for the people there just seems to go down. Crime is high, its hard to keep your health and your home.The people moving to the city aren't engineers or marketing gurus. They're just normal, or even people with very little working potential. Modesto seems like a city spread too thinly.

ACT: With money being what is it, some projects are just going to have to be abandoned. There's only so much money allotted for city repairs. One has to look at the big picture. The amount of people a project will help needs to justify the amount of money going into it. If a city project will only help a tiny fraction of the population, but cost millions, there needs to be a very, VERY compelling reason.

This might sound cruel, but those living in Modesto need to realize the farther they live in from the center, the less they're going to get. Modesto cannot afford to pay to keep its huge size going anymore. It's similar to what the British Empire was going through years ago. They had territories all over the world, but became spread too thin like not enough butter on toast. For fear of the whole kingdom crumbling, they cut away the excess areas down to the lands they could afford. I don't know if it's possible, but can a city do the same? If there are parts e living there should talk to the authorities and e living there should talk to the authorities about leaving Modesto district and forming their own city if they are particularly impatient. The simple math of it is, does it make sense to spend that much money on so few people? It becomes an example of a bridge to nowhere type of thing. It might be nice to say, clean up the Airport area, but the number of people living there might not warrant the money put in. That means the people living in the airport area can either grin and bare it or, failing that, try to separate from Modesto and become its own city.

IMAGINE: Money might not be the root of all evil, but its starting to look like the root of most problems in Modesto at least. If I had all the money in the world, people living in the often times forgotten parts of Modesto wont' have to move or declare their own city-hood. That's something! No, actually, they would. Declare city-hood that is. In fact, I would buy a whole chunk of Modesto and fix it up nice and pretty. I would buy all the houses and renovate. Then I would turn around and rent the houses back to the people. They'd get to live in a nice private city where everything looks good. They'll be happy I'm sure. Or they can leave. That's always an option, even in my power fantasies.



  1. stark but honest thoughts on the city's financial situation. like the tend to take a different approach to the visuals each week. i like that.

  2. Good explanation of the money issues. I like how you took a realistic point of view for the project.

  3. Mmoney can only go so far... but we need to stop people getting kicked out of there house because of the banks "Fine Print" in the refinance deal!

  4. I like your use of photos this week.

  5. Oh, sure, nice solution: there's not enough money, let's kick people out of Modesto. Surprise airport people! You're on your own.
    I actually don't think this is the best answer, because how do you chose which rural areas get cut out? Would you cut out the Del Rio golf course crowd? They're pretty far out there (but THEY'VE got money) and I'm willing to bet that in the next 10 years, these rural areas will become there is potential there.

  6. well, he has a point, if we make it really hard to be down and out less people would fall to that level.
