

Vote For My Powers!!

In each of my posts, you can vote for which Super Powers you think I used best. If you'd like to learn more, checked out //Building Imagination --The ARG

Teamwork (T) | Creativity (C) | Home Field Advantage (H-F) | Knowledge Sharing (K-S) | Resourcefulness (R) Spark (S) | Environmentalism (E) | Vision (V)

And Now For Something Completely Differ-well, more or less the same, actually.

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As you can tell, this week's mission was about crime. Rather than try a conventional method of preventing crime, I thought to go right to its source: children. Really, what are babies if not just little criminals. The best way to stop a crime is to stop the criminal from ever picking up a life of crime at all. 

Plus, its easy! I met the kid in the comic, Al, back during mission two when I was doing free advertising work for local businesses (you can see him in the video! he's the one playing with the purple handball). He's a real sweet kid, but sometimes he doesn't like to share what's bothering him. He's got a real Atlus complex like that, constantly feeling like he has to hold the whole world on his shoulders. 

Anyway, he and his mum got into a bit of a row one night and he thought he'd run away from home. I happened to wanted a small pick me up after a rather frightening encounter with the local crime element and he tagged along (mostly I insisted to get him out of the rain). Over burgers, we talked and he got whatever was bothering off of his chest. After several hours, he learned to see things from his mother's perspective and wasn't as angry any longer. He went home not long after and now he and his mother are getting along splendidly. I'm happy to report that young Al is no longer in any danger of being a criminal.

Yes, it is as easy as that. Just be a big brother or a big sister to kids who look like they could use a little help carrying their burdens. Their shoulders are smaller than ours, so even a little bit of our help can go a long way. 


(Here's Part one! It is a different rendition of the above comic with Al. He looks a bit different this time around to match the darker air of the animation! The first part is the set up: Al is sad and DESPAIR is beginning to set in!)


(And in PART TWO, both you and I get to do something about it! Help me get rid of the DESPAIR in young Al's life so that he can be a happy kid once more! Happy kids make lousy criminals after all! No, seriously, move my hand! It's not a still image, I swear!)


  1. wow very unique take on the mission! I never thought of the solution as being as simple as starting with the kids. Oh and I love the drawings! very manga-like!!

  2. Cool drawings, Sandi. Very creative work!

  3. Go Mr. Freckles! It is admirable to talk to our youth about such important things such as not becoming a criminal. The baby comment is complete truth! They are such sneaky critters...

  4. Great job. your drawing were very entertaining

  5. Such a good idea. Children are our future and if we want a better and brighter future then we must take care of our kids!

  6. Sometimes we forget about our youth because so many things are going on, but great jod on commenting. very unique!

  7. This was good. I liked your drawings. My sister would like your drawings. She draws Manga (or whatever). I agree that working with kids is important...and hope its possible to steer them off of a wrong path. I like that Mr. Freckles' speech bubbles are black like the Sandman's. I'm very tired (does it show?).

  8. Loved the drawings and how you broke up the animation to solve the arm issue. It's a very interesting concept for this mission and I think you handled it very well :)

  9. Nice animation and I like your style! It's true that trouble youth are more prone to resort to violence when they're older, great concept, we should help them out.

  10. your drawings seem so smooth. well done!

  11. your commicks look really awesome. good job

  12. Now that I have seen you in action I notice little things that you were working on in class. Like the rain is really awesome and its something tat I may not have paid close attention to before.
