

Vote For My Powers!!

In each of my posts, you can vote for which Super Powers you think I used best. If you'd like to learn more, checked out //Building Imagination --The ARG

Teamwork (T) | Creativity (C) | Home Field Advantage (H-F) | Knowledge Sharing (K-S) | Resourcefulness (R) Spark (S) | Environmentalism (E) | Vision (V)

Yeah Yeah, Gotta Stay Healthy!

LEARN: Wow, health is a huge problem! Not just in Modesto, not just in California, but in the whole country! And really, is there anything that can be done? After someone gets sick... not that much. At that point you're at the mercy of the doctors, assuming they've got room and you've got money. Not that great of a plan at all. But the question remains: if trying to fix your health isn't the answer, what is? 

ACT: The answer to that, very obvious, actually: Preemptive medicine. The best way to take care of an illness is to make sure you don't get it in the first place. This attention to health should not just be a personal thing, either. When people do things as a group, they have more motivation to stick with them. For instance, in Japan, they have this thing called Radio Taiso, or just Radio Calisthenics. People get together as groups (mostly companies nad schools) and do several minutes of calisthenics as a group in the mornings. This jump starts your energy for the rest of the day and lets  you know that there are other people invested in your health as well. Plus, its fun too! Wanna see just how much fun Radio Taiso is? Why not take a look yourself?

IMAGINE: In a perfect world, everyone would be exercising several times a day and would be eating all homemade foods. Not only that, but healthy living wouldn't just be something people did a few times a week. It would be a way of life. People would walk to work and school and shopping. They would spend more time around time with friends. The less people isolate themselves, the more they'll feel connected to others. When people feel connected, they feel like they have a reason to stay healthy.


  1. Again great comic. I already knew about the public calisthenics in Japan....I think it's a really good idea too. Don't know if people would take it seriously here though.

  2. Comics are very creative how do you do it? An if everyone excersied everyday just imagine how healthy we would be!

  3. Excersing everyday and eating only homemade food would be a good thing, but I think most people use time as an excuse to not exercise and just pick up fast food.

  4. That would be cool if they had a few minutes of exercise video on the major networks every weekday. I always feel good after I exercise and I feel crappy if I don't.

  5. uhhhh...what did I just watch? Granted, I support any exercise I can do from a chair. Great comic. I think we should form fitness gangs, that just roam the streets in leotards and sweatbands and break out into driveby jumpingjacks.
    Yeah, I really have no idea what I'm talking about.

  6. haha Love the dude w/ runny nose. I would hate to be in that waiting room that's for sure! Great job as always Sandi.

  7. Love the drawings and the animation. Great idea to work with preventing the illness altogether. :)

  8. I like your style really! And good job with the animation!
